Fiona Pang [F]
Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!
~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!
L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!
waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone
Taggie N
CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...
Jukie Boxie N
Sunday, October 29, 2006
OPeration...scary ~.~
Hey guys...anyone knows how to take pictures on audition??? i only managed to take the ones on the website only...I want to learn to make my first blogskin though...no one wants to teach me yet... *sad*
My bro came back from the hospital this afternoon...I lived with him in the hospital for 2 nights...very c~o~l~d~~... haha ^^He has something called rectino blastoma when he was 3 yrs old...which is like a bad cell that is in his left eye (need to take out)...they took it out in time so the cell did not spread to the next eye...he is different from us...he can only see from 1 eye...the right one...(pityful)
The doctors have replaced it with a prosthesis so that it looks like a real one...
Now... since he has grown up...the artificial ball in his eye does not fit in nicely...with the help of new technology, they are going to put in an artificial ball that will grow with him till he grows up. which will save a lot of time and it is more comfortable...moreover...now, his left eye is able to work with the muscles...it will look as real as the right eye now~!!! wonderful!!
He is now discharged from the hospital and was asked to reast at home...not to walk around often and rest......dude...its a operation so he has stiches so he has to rest...duh!!!
But again...there he will be...exercising his fingers...ON THE KEYBOARD!!!!
You know what I mean...man...I want to "rest" like him also cannot...even though it is after exam...
Fiona ~^.^~
(thats not me...its from the web)
Written M3mories @
10:28 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
whoo hoo~! ^^ EXAMS OVER!!! XD
Hi maplers and people...EXAM IS OVER~~~...like 2 days ago...hehe ^^
I have been playing dance Audition and Maple...too bad i cannot save any audition pictures but I got some maple ones!
I went to play basketball yesterday with my best friend Xiu Wen and another boii...(dunno his name) ** he was quite good and we played against him...dunno y that day I so tired...play a while tired already...++, then need lots of rest...performance not very good though...I dunno whether i can survive the team training tmr. hehe...^^
I going to watch Rob-B-Hood abt 3 hrs latr...hope it is nice. I am going out with Xiu Wen and my Bro to watch...den we going to barbecue and party...fun?!?...after Exam is always fun^^
these are the pics i took today and yesterday...got this mushmom...take a look!!!


man...Im dead and he is angry with me...-_-"l

see?!?! now he is using his phycit(dunno how to spell) powers and haunt me... ~_~


...fire!!!! ^^
=) Fiona
Written M3mories @
10:57 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
exams ~>.<~
hi guys!!! Exam is here...and Im like dying...dunno y i cant w8 to play com again. lalalas...y exam so dam freakinbad one...1 yr 4 exams...+class test...saddening ~>.<~ EXAM + CLASS TEST + FILES + MOCK TEST + HOMEWORK=DEATH + DEATH + FRUSTRATION + TERRIFYING + DEATH =3 DEATH + ANGER =1 WAY TRIP TO HEAVEN... =DYING AT THE AGE OF 13 >.<''l consequences are bad u know...ok tok to you at the end of Exams... these are the pictures that my bro had taken with the friendly Crimson Balrog...

and of course...yours truly...
Fiona =)
Written M3mories @
4:31 PM