Fiona Pang [F]
Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!
~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!
L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!
waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone
Taggie N
CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...
Jukie Boxie N
Friday, June 29, 2007
against dunman high (Bball)
whoo... close game... SO CLOSE!butweLOST! (18 - 25)argh!SO CLOSE to: Sakae Sushi (if we win... coach treat us)Meeting coach's target (20 points over)Winning a game.The 1st quarter, we won by 4 pointsThe 2nd quarter, we tiedThe 3rd quarter, we tiedThe 4th quarter, we lost (tired and they tyco!)free throws... 8 out of 12... did NOT went in... lolI shot one missed one XPMan yi did the rest. =PI also missed a lay up... sad... i did not do finger roll. I lost the ball quite a few times too... my ball handling is not so good.I must admit... our team improved alot... even coach says so... our defence has become STRONGER! offence is still we need to work on.
There were 2 times i got pi nia ded (flattened vertically) by 3-4 ppl. lol... in the end, they FELL and i hopped a few times before i stood straight. (take note... I did not fall)NEVERMIND!The next match, against CCH... (ah forget it... winning would be a miracle) nevertheless... we will do our best... arrrr![next Friday (6 Jul 07) 2pm @ Fengshan CC]The next next match, we plan to win SAC... for our own pride! (actually partly because of Sakae Sushi =P)...[next next Monday (9 Jul 07) 2pm @ Fengshan CC]We will survive! XD
Written M3mories @
5:14 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
My first Basketball Match!
wow... im so excited!... I just had my first basketball match in my whole life yesterday! against Dunman sec... I must admit... Dunman Secondary has a really good basketball team! I don't really know how good in Singapore they are but from my point of view, against BV team, they are really good. My group consist of 5 teams... BV (my school), CCH, DHS, DMN and SAC. Most of the teams are good... ( as I heard of )
ok!... face with the truth... we lost to Dunman Sec...
Score: 12 - 76
Our 12 points are made of 6 free throws, and 6 other points.
5 free throws are done my Man Yi... our captain... 1 free throw is scored my me!
among the 6 other points... 2 points was sored my our brave Jia Ling... the other 4 points was scored by me... one lay up and one shot right in front of the 3 point line (dang it!) =X
I played in all the 4 quarters... very tiring =P... anyway, everyone had a chance to play in match!
Tmr we will be playing against Dunman High... I heard it was a lousier team than Dunman Sec =X
Wish BV team good luck!
Written M3mories @
3:00 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Im having fun!
So many things were happening in the last 2 days... I didn't have time to blog on it... was doing some HW. Now I have time!on Thursday...The HA-HA group went for a gathering... only 6/8 were present... the other 2 couldn't make it. We went to the arcade and played some car games... Daytota I think. yea... then we raced each other and had lots of fun shaking other ppl's chair while they are playing... lol... XD did not spend much money... only about... $6?After that, we bought some snacks and we entered the theatre to watch... the new movie... Surfs Up. the movie had a very good storyline. I shall not say too much and spoil your fun =X.... it is really about believing in yourself. A winner will always find a way. the whole movie was part of an interview... quite an interesting idea. =DAFter the movie... we hunted down and up for a place to sit down and have something to eat. Teatime! XDthe only place that had a seat was long john silvers... lol... so we sat down, stole each other's food, and yea... it was really fun. =DThen it was time to go home... reached home at around 8. All I did was watched ying yue ge dou chang. haha... the day was over! I had fun meeting my IAG2 friends again.On Friday...I actually planned to finish all my work... but... I didn't... anyway,Me, Zixi, Ren Xiang and my brother met up at the Siglap South CC next to my school. Had a hard time getting Zixi to the CC... I gave him the wrong instructions and he did not know that place... -,-"... then i took "revenge" and made him run to the CC while I cycled there... haha... torture... pain... you will like it. =Pwe had lots of games of batminton... Zixi was a really good player... but he has professional training... the rest of us did not... but when it cames to the doubles, we were evenly matched.My bro sat out in the basketball match... we played with Ren Xiang's friends (my seniors) XD. me and zixi and one of his friends were in one team... we lost like hell... but was NOT trashed... =P. Around 4pm... we went our seperate ways... (exept my brother lar). we all went home.I did my work for the rest of the time... and watched 2 shows (bleah) 2 hrs... ya... so I could not finish my work... -,-But Thursday and Friday was really fun... fun fun fun fun fun!...School is starting already... but I will stay fun fun fun all the way!Today will be my last day of June holiday... tmr in the morning is the temasek club swimming competition... there were only 2 girls my age taking part and so... we could not have any events. I can only do the novelty round... nvm... I will still be there cheering for my 2 very close brothers and my god sisters... Jia You Jia You!
Written M3mories @
8:00 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Friends and choices
I came to a thinking about friends...Your family are your friends, and everyone you know are your friends.I take my family to be my number 1 friend so I will not talk much abt them in this post.There are 5 types of friends that each one of us will come by everyday of our lives:5. Grow-up-with Friends AKA (Swan siblings)4. Eternity Friends AKA (buddies)3. Come-and-go Friends2. Hi-and-bye Friends1. Pretend Friends5. Grow-up-with Friends... these are friends that were with you since you were born... although they are not related to your family, these friends grow up with you and stay with you until the end. they are the best type of friends you can rely on as they spend the 2nd most amount of time with you. (besides your family) That is why they know about you. Never throw them away... you will never know when you need them.4. Eternity Friends also known as buddies... It takes a long time to make an eternity friend. You may have 5, 1 or even 0 of these type of friends. They are hard to find but once you find them, they will stay with you till the end. It takes PATIENCE to find a friend that is willing to walk with you along your journey till you reach the end.3. Come-and-go Friends... a very good example are you school friends... you may have made friends with you whole level... but how many of them would still keep in touch with you 5 years later? These friends come to you at a certian point in your life and leave you when it is time. They may be your best friend at that time... your friendship will slowly weaken and soon break... only the strongest of the strongest will hang on and the only survivors will be your eternity friends.2. Hi-and-bye Friends... are friends that you know their name but non of you care much about each other. everytime you meet, both will say just a hi/bye. not many questions are asked and soon, the names will be forgotten. Years go by and each will look different... if you were to meet that friend again, It will just be a stranger you see on the streets... not even a single "Hi"Only if you would take the first step and say hi, maybe, just maybe, your friendship will renew. =)1. Pretend friends... they are just like come and go friends BUT... they would act as if they really want to be your friend. Their motive is to use you, to know more about you... and after they have enough of toying you around, they would throw you aside and move on with his/her life.Never let that happen to you.You may have liked this pretend friend and do everything he/she asked you to do... are you certian that they will not walk out on you one day?They are all different types of friends but the most important thing is to CHOOSE WISELY... choices have consequences.DO YOUR BEST to be a friend of someone.and CHERISH the good friends you have now.Leaving someone to walk the journey alone is your choice.Walking side by side with someone along their journey is also a choice.and both choices have consequences.
Written M3mories @
4:42 PM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Best Camp Ever!
Camp was super fun!
This is my winning team - HA-HA (Hyper Active - Hyper Active)
From left: Fiona (Chang), Goh Bin, Kenneth, Zixi, Faisal, Fiona(Pang, me) and Yi Lin (grp ldr)The one in the middle squating is our coach Max. Tada!And we won first prize! $61 (we divided among ourselves) Each of our grp member had $8 and Aaron had $4
FIRST DAY!At the start of the camp, we were suppose to find our own teammates! I am really happy that I got such a wonderful team! there were 2 Fiona's in our grp so it was really interesting.we were then each suppose to pay $2 at the start of the camp. the winning team will get 50% of the whole thing. The 2nd team will get 30%, the third team will get 20%.Then, we were suppose to choose our coaches... we had to do something for them in order to have them. We chose Max as our coach. We got to put 21 water containers and stand in a complete circle around him. (He was lying flat down on the floor that time, and he is really tall!)Next, We went to Tampines bike trail to do... PT! (physical training)We had to do jumping jacks all together. (hands together, counting together, loudly together, all as one). Me and Zixi volunteered to take over the first leader as we find that we can do a better job. Instead of doing just 5 jumping jacks, we had to repeat it until it was perfect. (about 100 already XD) it was really tiring... but fun! We leaders also had to get punished because we were not doing a good job. PUSH-UPS... yea, it was really tiring.Then, after dinner, we played RESCUE MISSION. Our parrot, Zixi, was really cute... the parrots had to behave like a parrot... flap their wings and shout like one. Zixi would scream in front of the trainers ear so that the trainer cannot shoot water gun at him =D (genius) We were the second team to finish the mission. Yea!We then head hunted Aaron, a leader from another grp. now we have 8 ppl in our grp!SECOND DAY!
The first thing we did was PT! whoo hoo... this day was more fun and games! The first game we did was the 4 legged race. 8 ppl, 4 legs. (2 hands = 1 leg)We formed a caterpilar and thought of a plan. We came in First! (with lots of ant bites on us)Next game was a relay, running a short course of sand mountians (around 400m), was really cool. I was the last runner in the team and I caught up with another runner... in the end... WE WON!The last game was commander and tank. we were suppose to destroy other tanks with water bombs. The commander cannot move and the tanks are blind folded... so it was really hard. Our team managed to capture the most no. of tanks with the least no. of deaths... so... WE WON again!So second day PT, WE WON all 3 games!Before dinner, we played a game where the building is going to fall and we must vote 5 ppl to be saved. (out of 61 ppl)26 ppl voted for me... I was one of the 4 survivors. I was really touched.The thing we learnt is that we must love ourselves and must vote for ourselves to live.We must also make ourselves known to others.We fired Aaron back to his grp as he wanted to go back... then we swap funds with his grp as his grp was the highest. now we are the highest!THIRD DAY (last day)PT was in the morning... We had 2 games...1st game: Hide and seek. We hide and the coaches are to find us. We decided to hide as a team.We were the winning team as our whole group was not found (we were the only whole group not found). We hid the nearest to the coaches base... in the tall grass but they couldn't find us... thanks to Faisal and Zixi for their grat hiding spot. (so near yet so far...)2nd game: Was to use water guns and shoot ppl... we had to protect our flag from others. Me and my brother joined forces and barely 30 secs after the game started, we captured another flag! We then took over 4 other groups... We had 6 grps under us! (out of 9) Super Mega group!Me and my bro's team won the game!Before dinner and a little after dinner, we were suppose to play a marketing game where we were suppose to sell something that we made. ours was a HAPPY HEALTHY TOILET SEAT for hospitals. we then had $100,000 to invest in other grps. (4 grps all together) some grp that invented a table fan with a eraser dust vacume cleaner was totally aiming on us. They gave us the least amount of money as so... we had the lowest... nonetheless... It was really fun! Faisal came up with totally wierd ideas that made us laugh till we drop. Max helped us alot by giving us ideas along the way.This is the most exciting part.
After the marketing game, we played... Trust fall
we were suppose to trust our friends and then fall on them. the spotters were suppose to stop that person from falling. FEAR! but it went well. Due to my small body, I partnered with Matthew.Then it went to a higher challenge where 7 chairs were stacked up and everyone had a chance to stand up there and... FALLAbout 14 spotters will stand in the shape of 11 and catch you. After that, the spotters will bring you to a place in the room and throw you.I was the 4th one to go up. as I was one of the smallest size in the "family" I was being thrown the highest... WHOO it was fun! my head almost reach the celing. Luckily, Max was there to hold my legs... if it wasn't for him, I would have hit the celing... LOL... It was really fun!I pity Max... he has to smell everyone's foot. And he would say, READY READY READY! then we say... ONE TWO THREE! then throw! SHIOK!I then found out I was rated the most valuable player in the team... I was so touched... there was a small presentation of certificates and it was time to say... goodbye...
Thanks to: Max for being such a good coach... really great.
Thanks to: All my team mates for being such brilliant players
Faisal, Fiona Chang, Zixi, Yilin, Kenneth and Goh bin (no order)
And the trainers: Melvin, Gary, Gerald and Danny.I really had fun there and it will always be my best memories.
Written M3mories @
10:39 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wedding and Runway cycling.
Hey all!
There was a wedding last saturday
We had a wedding Mass, a lunch treat and a wedding dinner at a restaurant.
The groom requested to propose to her on his knees... so sweet.
The bride then was too excited and put the ring onto the wrong hand
Coincidently, they took the wrong rings too. Now, the bride's ring (small) is stuck on the groom's right hand.
The bride was then too happy again and put the correct ring on the wrong finger.
It took her 3 times to put the ring on his hand! lol
but they were nervous... in the end, they all laughed!
This is at the church
this was lunch

and this was also at the church. aww...

The biggest family group... My Godpa group!

Unloading the bikes, 4 cars, 19 bikes, 19 ppl!
Jayakumar is here

the team at the helicopter point

Thats me loading my bike
and we drove home!
It was fun 1 person cycled 75km (extra), 12 cycled 45km, 1 cycled 30km(less), 5 cycled 15km and 1 cycled 7km (less)
I was one of them that took the endurance challenge and cycled 45km XD
Written M3mories @
8:11 PM
Monday, June 04, 2007