Super Junior 13
[1]Hi to you!
[2]Please tag before leaving
[3]Enjoy yourself here =D
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~^ ^~

[x]` Fiona Pang [F]
[x]`Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
[x]`Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!

~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!

Fiona Pang's Facebook profile

L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!

waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone

Taggie N

CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...


Jukie Boxie N


Nanah | JunKai | ChinMian | Cerelia | WanYu | Vivian | Shirin | Kelson | HAPPYFIVE | Dee | Unagi | Jasmine | 2e3 | chineseBlog |

Girls BBall | Leti | PeiQing | Suvd | Debs | JiaLing | Eunice | FeiTing | YenYen | Afiq | ShaunLeong | Kelvin |

AK | Gary | Melvin | Stuart | Maximilian | Petrina | Javier | Ally | Marj | Kelvin | Kyrie | KC | Eoin | Pearlyn | Sean | Dede |

Pamela | Aaron | FionaChang | GohBin | Kim | Richson | David |

Elaine | Chuyang | Amos |

primary school friends
Sarah | FangNing | Amanda | Angeline | Charmaine |
Other friends
PeterLauYH | KenKoh |


Past matches

[January 2006]

[February 2006]

[March 2006]

[April 2006]

[May 2006]

[June 2006]

[July 2006]

[August 2006]

[September 2006]

[October 2006]

[November 2006]

[December 2006]

[January 2007]

[February 2007]

[March 2007]

[May 2007]

[June 2007]

[July 2007]

[August 2007]

[September 2007]

[October 2007]

[November 2007]

[December 2007]

[January 2008]

[March 2008]

[May 2008]

[June 2008]

[July 2008]

[December 2008]

[January 2009]

[March 2009]

[May 2009]

[July 2009]

[May 2010]

[June 2010]

[July 2010]

[August 2010]

[September 2010]

[October 2010]

[December 2010]

[June 2011]

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Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Saturday, December 27, 2008
26 Dec c0mments!
Whee! just finished breakfast.

Yesterday was a family BBQ at my house... the house was busy from morning all the way to 12am. This time, my grandfather did the job of starting the fire... it was really good! and me and raquel (Jovan's maid) Went to do the cooking. wow... I did like 1..2..3! BBQs in 2 weeks. The food was going out much faster than the food was getting cooked. Everytime one bunch of food was ready, it was put on the plate and not after 5 SECONDS... the food was all gone... it was really hard to leave some for myself. Later on, my cousin wanted to take after my shift. I was elated! MAHJONG TIME!!! me + vera(8 yrs old), my bro + lucas(11 yrs old), er gu + liya(9 yrs old), and my da gu were playing mahjong. ooooh! oh my tian la~ very was super duper lucky lor... she won 3 games in a row... then all my gu gu have to go home already... so change players. me+vera, amos, alex-bird and elaine, my cousin. Vera's luck again... she won... 4 in a row! and her cards were super nice! all WAN! 11 345 666 888 nan x3. Super nice de! It was already near 12 am... and they had to go home. =( everyone left le... after packing up, my bro and I went to open presents!!!!! only 3 =( shirt, bottle, food and a beautiful watch! doesn't really matter wad they give... because i know its from them.
Then me, amos and mummy played mahjong together!... mummy won 3, amos won 4 and me.......... only 1. T.T See? without vera... haizz
Anyways... It was a fun day! later on got my first tuition! whoo! excited!


Written M3mories @ 11:13 AM

Thursday, December 25, 2008
22-24 Dec 08 c0mments!
WHEE!! wad a busy week to start with.

Monday and Tue :

The girls had bball training... INTENSIVE TRAINING! run outside the school 6 rounds lor... around 5km le... can die. luckily cause I long D runner so after the run still can pei some of my slower friends and run 1 more round. see... i so kind right? lol lets move on with life...
then we did some shooting lan ban, free throw ext. , 3 point, fast break, and free throws in the mornings. in the afternoons, coach focuses us more on our tactics and defences so he can guide us. for the first day, all of us except debs and amirah kena caught climbing over the gate, out of the school to get lunch. kena 100 push-ups... no joke man! after that my hands all soft soft le. Now we learnt our lesson. >.<>
On Tue we got to play match. I din really get to play much... felt so sad. i was really irritated that day not being on form... sorry guys. After training, went home and got ready for Christmas EVE!!!

Wed! :

did some work then went for practice for choir at church at around 22:30. Andrea and Adrienne said that some auntie dun allow us to sit in front cause we looked like noobs... nvm. anyway, it was really great being able to sit together with G2 choir sops. yea! After mass.. "merry christmas" x 100 already... we went to take a G2 photo shot. whoo so fun! the G2s decided to go Dion's house to get some food b4 we go bryan's house slack. it was already 3am in the morning when we reached dion's. her house so big la! then got ppl playing mah jong... haha was really tempted ok? but I control... never play. at around 4:30am like that we all left for bryan's house... which is very near my house. yay^^ oh ya... that Jeremy hor... drive so fast until all my gel fly away onto andrea's face HAHA! then make her face sticky. LOL! his car was like a party itself! SO COOL mini couper!
At Bryan's house we slack, some went to sleep so me and Adrea took a pack of cards to play! TAI DI! Paul and Jared played with us. and there was pool trick shot on tv... so interesting! how can ppl sleep. tsk tsk tsk... 5:30 Jeremy... (again fast mini couper) drove the 2 small girls home! (almost missed my house cause drove to fast haha!) reached home... faster changed and went to slp 6am le... haha tian liang le!.

Woke up at around 11am like that. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! the helped to prepare for TMR's BBQ! I tenderised the meat like beating the hell out of them. me, pounding and singing to the beat on any song on the radio! like: "We wish u a merry Christmas! " lol it was so fun!

Nth else le ba... so tired now... haiz HW time!
May your christmas wishes come through this season of Christmas!

Written M3mories @ 4:48 PM

Saturday, December 20, 2008
today! oh wait... it was yesterday already. c0mments!

ok I shall just post about yesterday since its already past 12am... =P

WHEE! yesterday, woke up dam early... like at 8am then went for piano lesson at Kovan. WHOO! I mean BOO! Its the last lesson already and Im going to change teacher. Today i learnt some parts of beethovan sym. no. 5! Ten ten ten ten... that song. HAHA!

I feel so bad... I couldnt go bonding with my mum because I had this basketball outing. then she had to go alone. haiz... now spending lesser and lesser time with her le.

Took the train straight from Kovan to Pasir ris to meet up my basketball mates for bowling! LOL when rushing into one of the trains i ran so fast that couldnt stop myself then after that banged onto an auntie. >.< sorry!
Took a little nap on the train... ^.^
I met Leti at the train station then we went walk walk in white Sands mall to find some christmas gifts. After that, we went to buy KFC and met the rest of the team at MAC to eat.. haha!

The bowling was quite fun! We had a really fun instructor... a Cheater! HAHA! but he is really fun and really REALLY great at engaging us to learn more. After bowling, around 5, we took a bus to man yi's house to BBQ! On the bus we played tai di LOL I kena the most push-ups again... 30... dam

Jess was really good at starting the fire and thanks to some of her knowledge, we managed to create a really powerful and hottie FIRE@! It was one of the best fires I ever cooked on... ahhhh...
It was also really nice of coach to drop by even though he had a busy schedule. while some of us were cooking, the rest of them were playing ice... childish eh? however, it was a hell of a time! HELL I tell u. We played black jack and tai di b4 going home.

Went home at 11 and here i am now!

Going to slp soon night nights to all!

Written M3mories @ 12:26 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008
videos! c0mments!
OH MY!!! This kid is AWESOME!

Written M3mories @ 12:29 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
TODAY! c0mments!

Today was SUPER fun! Today training in our very new indoor court!
New facilities!!
The taped board, the high ring, the super white and dusty floor and the super white and dusty ball! Running 7 rounds x 2 Whee.. all new!
Today's weather was also great! I loved it! no shelter = SUN COMES OUT! shelter = NO SUN At all...


ohoh! and...
Happy birthday PEIQING!!!

After training, the girls went out to eat ban mian. Then Man yi keep breaking Pei Qing's eggs. We also discussed about some strategies we can use to help one another. After lunch, we went to man yi house then we MADE A BLOG OF THE BVSS BASKETBALL GIRLS!!! wheee!
Jess, Man Yi, Jia Ling and Peiqing went to play mini mahjong! The mahjong set is so peunii so cute! After that, we all played tai ti... 1 card 5 push ups... then I dumb dumb go keep all the cards and kena 50 push-ups!! AAAH!! I think muscles all grew by 1 inch le la!!! Jia ling got 15 and pei qing got 5.
At around 4.30 like that We left Man Yi house cause she going training. Peiqing, Leti and me still din wanna go home so we went to Jia Ling house PLAY MAHJONG!!! (The real marble set now... PINK!) HAHA Joke of the day!!
Jia Ling: "Huuu!" (win)
The rest of us: "Za Huuu lah!"
hahaha! last time was Dong Nan Si Bei GANG! Today is mosquito bite so pain... cannot run. Za Huuu! ROFL
It was so nice of Jialing's second sis and parents to treat us some pear and tang yuan. Ooooh it was all so NICE!

Written M3mories @ 9:49 PM

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Today c0mments!
Start of today wasnt really as what I planned. I wanted to do some HW today... who knew, when i woke up I had a BAD stomach ache. Haiz. kept me in bed for 4 hours even with the panadol. Now feeling much better le. ^.^ It must have been the 15 over eggs I ate this week... x.x After that Amos and I played neopets hehe quite fun la... its not all that childish after all. esp. playing with Amos. I just recieved the real run cert... really happy with my results! nth to blog le bah...

~^.^~ Byee~

Written M3mories @ 4:27 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008
MARATHON! c0mments!


Okay... so long never blog le... haiz. I shall make a commitment to blog out all important events from now on!
Sorry for leaving the blog dead for quite some time. >.<

and now...
Singapore Standard Charted Marathon!!! [7th Dec 08]

Timing for Fiona..........
Rank -----> 407
RaceNo. ---> 64509
Gender ----> F
Nation -----> SIN
GunStart --> 8:14:57 [Start at]

GunFinish --> 1:07:01 [Timing]
ChipStart ---> 8:16:41 [Start at]
ChipFinish ---> 1:05:17 [MY Timing]

Check this out for a birds eye view of where I was!

Although i din really break my record of 1:01:15 but I AM HAPPY WITH THE RUN! =DD

Amos started running at 7:30, around 45 mins earlier than my mum and I. So we dropped him off and went to the IBM booth. When i was there, there was this big LCD TV screen showing the live happenings of the run. I WAS OVERJOYED!!! All I could do was to plant my butt on a chair and watch! HAHA! Paradise...

It was showing the fastest runner... Luke Kibet
His eyes shown that all he had in him was the determination to win the run. I was inspired by him and wanted to do the same in my run later on.

Amos' race was starting soon and fromt he LCD TV, I saw a never ending sea of runners lined up along the road. The no. of participants increased by 10k every year! Im really happy that more and more people are getting involved in this kind of mentally challenging sport!

I learnt that this race is not about winning others... its about finishing it and winning yourself. All that each participant is looking for in this race is the achievement of crossing the finishing line with a big smile.

When i hear Kibet was reaching the finishing line... my mum and I rushed there to take a look. We all cheered for him... as well as all the top runners coming in! Standing there just made me feel honored watching top runners in the world finishing their run.

My run was starting soon so me and my mom went to the starting line to get ready. Here, I saw all the KS ppl. the Kia Sus and the Kia Sis. Some pushing just to get in front of the line. If it were me, I'd rather stay behind and have a big space just for myself to run. because all the real timing is the chip on every runners shoe.

"HONK!" goes the loud speaker and we all started running. actually... not all. I believe you can imagine how many ppl there are. just for the womens 10km run, it took me 2 mins just to cross the starting line and I was standing quite in front.

During my whole run... I just kept think of the way Kibet ran and told myself "Just keep running, just keep running, just keeping running running running" (like dory in finding NEMO)
It was not an easy run. There were people everywhere and I had to cut left and right and hold my nose just to squeeze thru other ppls armpits.
Finally, the finishing line is near... I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the finishing line. YAY!!! Finished!

I quickly done all the stuff I needed to do at the finishing line, went to my bag, took the camera and waited for my other friends and families. =D on the way, I saw my godbro (Alex) and the rest of the gang going for the kids dash.

There were pictures of [me, Amos, mummy, jiu jiu, uncle yeu jou/Jason/peng hock/Weng Wei, Godpa and all my kids dash gang.]

----MEEEEE! in RED ---- Amos in golden shoes!--

-----Mummy in RED~! ----------Jiu Jiu!----------

-----Uncle Yeu Joe! --------Uncle Weng Wei!-----

---------God Pa!--------

-------Picture of the kids dash gang!---------


We all showered at Temasek club and went together for lunch!

Lunch was a Alexandra road. and IT WAS GREAT!
Amos, Alex and I ate a bowl of prawn noodles. Amos and I then decided to get another famous beef soup each! The soup was awesome I tell u! Alex decided to order another bak kut teh. so the 3 of us ate 2 servings in a meal!

We then went to Alex's house to play play and play some more... It was so fun playing rock band and other games together. Went home at 12am. ---sleep---

-A good start comes with a good end-

Written M3mories @ 11:12 AM

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