Fiona Pang [F]
Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!
~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!
L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!
waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone
Taggie N
CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...
Jukie Boxie N
Friday, January 30, 2009
WE!!! YESS!!! YAY!!!! WE WON!!!ok enough. It was a good game. and I did my best. So did the team. Although I know I am not at my best. I did quite ok for this match with TKG. Something I could have improved on was my shooting. need to balance first before shoot. I felt sorry for those who din get to play. I know u guys must be feeling kind of sad. I really appreciate how u guys cheered and boost us up! =D All I think i can do for my love ones is to help them JIA YOU!!! jia you during training, during matches and most importantly our studies!K... late late le. We had done well... Its time for a good night's rest. And next week, we will Win the next battle!!!Night Nights
Written M3mories @
11:16 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
sick again.
Lol this is the
101th post!
I have been falling sick this whole week! So is the class... the 4E2 virus is really getting out of hand...
Monday - 7 absent
Tuesday - 7 absent
Wed - 8 absent
Thur - 8 absent
Friday - 10 absent + sick ppl had to wear masks...
LIKE THIS!!! The mask was cool but i really had a problem breathing in that hot mask. U breathe in whatever u breathe out... EEE YERR!

my nose started dripping really badly and it was irritating!!
I thought i was getting better when i woke up this morning. Sad to say... After i reached school, I start coughing and sneezing really badly! at the end of school I was holding a record of the no. of times i sneezed consequetively! I felt really bad when i reached home... I couldnt go for the piano lesson as well as meeting my friends! =(((. I thought i would feel better after taking a nappy... When I woke up... I discovered that my temp. was around 38 degrees. zzz It doesn feel well when anyone is sick.
As I am typing now... Im still sneezing! Ah Choo!! uhh.....
I hope that me... as well as all my other sick friends will be able to get well by monday so got no more virus and we can celebrate chinese new year happily.
Get well soon.
Written M3mories @
8:48 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1st day of the school year at home.
I'm feeling so sick...
I actually had fever for the past few days... however its not really that serious so I din really care. then Yesterday after coming back i started to feel very hot. It must have been the 4E2 virus spreading. almost half the class was having fever during school yesterday. Take care guys...
So today... im at home! morning wake up still got fever and headache but I must take care of myself cause tmr got competition... jyjy! I don't think i will go for music lesson today... seriously HEAD ACHE. haha. hope u guys have fun in school today! EAt Vitamin C and drink lots of water!
take care.
Written M3mories @
12:14 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Super Teens!
HEY HEY!!Firstly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIALING!!!secondly... CONGRATULATIONS TO PETER LAU! your new book has been bought by me. HAHAFrom thur to sat, 8-10 Jan, My school BVSS organised the superteens workshop for all the 4Es. I was really happy! Although i knew how most of the programme would be like i still wanted to learn more from the master Ernest Wong, muscular Ken and cute small man Peter... HAHAI think the most important lesson i learnt from the camp would be to "keep my agreement". And I will continue to do my best! Thanks everyone! because after i went to the Superteens school programme, MY LIFE WILL NEVER EEE.........EEEEE..........VER BE THE SAME AGAIN!Basketball competition is starting tmr... how fast. Lets all do our best for this year girls!!!
Written M3mories @
2:05 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
1st day of school
it was ok ok... just ok. we found out... physics is miss Chia, lit - banana (not that i care), PE is Jit ya... hurray? 1st day was all admin stuff and more paper suffs, surveys and CCA talk. After school, the girls had own self training... boo! I nvr bring my shoes... so i had to wear my very new school shoes. I felt that the training was awesomely well done! the team helped one another to progress and improve LOADS!! esp. Hwee min, Jess, fei ting, peiqing and Chai(not very much la) =P half way learning some new sutff, got dead lizard. so disgusting!!!! Chai very funny... still wan to go bury it... and pray to it. haha siao ppl. after training, we helped out with moving the things in the PE store to the indoor court. While doing that, we played tennis and badminton... haha so fun! On our way out of the school, we had an appreciation from mrs Tiu to treat us bubble tea!! HONEYDEW SAGO!!! It was a long day and I was really tired... went home straight away stonned on the chair.. HAHA -,-
**** REmemebr to bring shoes and jersey tmr!!! got trial! PPL...
Written M3mories @
3:47 PM