Monday, May 31, 2010
an un-ordinary weekend

PRAWN WINGS for lunch and salted chicken for tea break! Mummy spent 1 hr stuffing the peunii chicken wings with prawn fillings! It tasted nice overall. at the same time, the crunchy vege fillings could be lesser and the wing should be seasoned longer as got no chicken taste inside... haha only outside have. at around 3+, the SALTED CHICKEN was ready!!! it smelled and of course tasted AWESOME!!! haha my fav... Too late to take a picture sadly... then opened the wrapping up beofre i could get a shot of it and 5 mins later, the chicken disappeared! haha. it was an awesome lunch on Sunday.
Sat morning at the Civil defense headquarters~ k I admit... most of them quite handsome. haha too bad not gonna show any pictures of them =P

Visitor pass
me and fire engines
POLE DANCING! lol its the slidey pole they use to jump down from the third floor. got 1 for each floor. This is the ground floor.
A clear vast blue sky from lvl 3 from their head quarters at pasir ris
Straight after that Went to study with jeff and andrea who came in latr... then have choir prac. Learnt 2 new songs =D er... dunno wad the title but the song's really nice =D its for ordinary time.
Witnessed a car accident on the way home... well the boy looked fine... the car banged onto his bicycle. Hope he's alright now.
Stats exam was screwed up!
kk Thats all for this week =D
Written M3mories @
6:18 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
SuJu moments
Super Junior Kangin was at the 2nd ELF fan meetingThis vid shows how together Super Junior is (and of course how cute they are when they are crying ESP. Kangin!) ELF will wait for Kangin(Kim Young Woon) to be back in 2 yrs and for the day Super Junior will rise to the stage with 13 members again!
SARANGHAEYO Kim Young Woon! Kim Young Woon! Kim Young Woon!
13elieve in Super Junior.
Written M3mories @
8:17 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Interesting things in my life.
Went out with SA friends last friday. Once i arrived at Stadium MRT, I was amazed at the station!!! In was a nice day with fun joy and laughter!
I felt lonely most of the time though, I was the only chinese there as Chelsia PT me... I was out with 8 malays!!! they were speaking malay most of the time. well although I dont really understand... I just laugh as they laugh to make myself and them happier =D Still a almost felt like crying when i learnt that chelsie would not be coming. even though if she came with her BF it would be much or a difference... maybe I just need someone to be with me. I dont blame mardiah though, she has to entertain suh and faiz. i felt better as she and khai kept asking me at times to include me in their conversation =D lastly was karaoke haha khai chose a eng song for me to sing. =P so ps... it was nice listening to them singing their fav malay songs. all of them are such great singers!!!
Stadium MRT
ICE SKATING and outside

Last Sunday I was out at Tampines look for a pair of soccer boots for my loved CCA. On my way, I came accross a living statue, part of the arts festival that is coming. The Ang moh was painted silver from head to toe and he just stoned there. whenever a customer would donate some money to him, he would come out of his position and bow to the customer like saying thank you then goes back into his position again. Its kinda scary but interesting seeing him. haha =D
A quite far shot of him... LOL shy to go right in front to take a pic.
After searching round tam and couldnt find my size of shoe which is like US4!! I went home =( Just opposite the living statue who is still there, there were people shouting... SUPPORT DEMOCRACY! COME PEOPLE! JOIN US AND SUPPORT DEMOCRACY! They are also holding up a small magazine titled: Democratic people. HAHA i just stared wierdly at them =D
Just yesterday, I went out with hafis oli and nich. and left them just in time to catch the last red train to bishan/city hall... Choices have consequences! I chose to take circle line from bishan to paya lebar. just as i reached bishan and running my way to the circle line through the speakers i heard "The last train to doby gauht has departed, thank you for travelling with SMRT, good bye!" And i was like.... dammmmmmmmmit! good bye your head. So i continued taking the red line down 2 stops to Toa payoh and wanted to take a taxi from there. Arriving at toa payoh i went to the ATM to draw some money for cab... THE STUPID ATM DUN WAN GIVE ME MONEY!!!! it was 11 40pm then. haiya...... So i went in a cab and paid by nets. $12 60 was gone off my pocket. However, frisbee yesterday was fun as we had the league. I learnt more on the tactics and is able to apply it yesterday. =D
KK listen to POM tutorial now. signing off~
Written M3mories @
8:36 AM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
i played so hard...
uh... so tired... so hungry... so smelly... having porridge for my dinner now. haiz. the last meal i had was vermicelli noodles at macs there. I have no appetite. Must have been too hungry for too long.
On a happier note, I'm still surviving in the team! had trail selections for frisbee today. Started with a heavy drizzle. when the weather turned for the better, we starting doing the GOTO drill. haha it was MUDDY from the bottom and WET from the top as it was still raining.
Next we went on to do mushroom drill... It is still taking some time to digest into me. i do until abit blur blur one... haha. Then was hucking drill! (my fav) I ran as fast as my legs could carry me!We then had like a screamage? (a small match) with juniors and seniors. haha there's still alot more for me to learn like all then terms and plays of the game.
LASTLY!!! Physical training =p by then only Hafis, Faiz, Andy, Nicholas and I were there. We did like incline pull ups, push ups and standing board jump. It was really tiring but fun wat the same time. HAHA the coach found out that I could do normal pull ups... somehow... lol and asked me to show to the guys just to put them down. It was a dam weird moment as I saw so many guys staring at me. O.O It been about 1 yr since i played my hearts out. Felt so good. FIONA LOVES FRISBEE!
Then it was goodbye... a lifeless 40 min train ride home. Still halfway through my porridge.... argh! keep burping... too hungry... ate too much air just now.
Brain not functioning well now... got abit headache... tmr get up at 6!!!! omg... another frisbee day comes and goes again.
Written M3mories @
12:05 AM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Amos' Confirmation
Frisbee was more fun today! I just keep learning something every training. my backhand is more stable now... so gotta go back and work on the forehand. Had a bad habit of locking my elbows instead of letting it go with the swing. =D
Just finished packing and cleaning up and ready to go to sleep. but before that... just a little blogging. haha
happy confirmation to James, Annabel, Tobi, Iggy, Timothy and me bro Amos!!!!!
Had to go to church early to help out with the decors for their dinner after the confi mass. so I dropped by a little early to visit the pet shop nearby. To my surprise, MAX WAS THERE!!!!

He has gotten much more handsome and SO in shape now!!! he is just so lovable =D
Lastly, a second recent photo with my brother! in his handsome clothes =D
Written M3mories @
1:18 AM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A great tiring day!

HELLO!!!! Yesterday's Sp Ex Sc tutorial ended with a birthday surprise for Min Kyaw thu! Happy birthday to min cho tooo! haha we sang. we laughed. we camwhored. we had great chocolate cake. and we had lots and lots of fun!

After 3 hrs of badminton after school we prepared another surprise for Min! Eggs and water bombs!
First, we prepared all the stuff for his demlition.
2nd, we lured him to the stadium.
HAHA he got quite irritated with us cause he had no change of shorts and shoes and he had to go out with the smell of eggs #P yuck!


A great meal from Sakae sushi yesterday with my DPA mates. 28 plates of food was gobbled down. Even though it was about $20 a person, we each had priceless amt of fun. It was a good meal to end a hectic 3rd week of our school. We even compared the size of our eyebags! After that we went bowling at Yishun SAFRA. It was fun =D champion bowler of the day is first timer Duy! showing his muscle power bowl every round. =P the day ended with a group photo from the SAFRA club.
What a awesome day it was! after i got home i was just doing my usual facebooking stuff for 10 mins and DOZED OFF IN FRONT OF MY COM!!! by the time i woke up, 20 mins has passed and I was really tired. so i close my com and went up to slp.
Listening to Super Junior songs from the 4th album! really liked it!
01. 미인아 (BONAMANA) I like
02. 나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom) I like
03. 응결 (Coagulation)
04. 나란 사람 (Your Eyes) I like
05. My Only Girl
06. 사랑이 이렇게 (My All Is In You) I like
07. Shake It Up!
08. 잠들고 싶어 (In My Dream) I like
09. 봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)
10. 좋은 사람 (Good Person)
11. Here We Go I like
Great days!
Written M3mories @
12:35 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jap Dinner out with mum =D
As u can see... dinner looked GREAT! and tasted great too. Went out dinner with my mum at WARAKU restaurant in katong. This GIGANTIC bowl came with scallop and CHEESE with cream sauce UDON. filling 1/4 the height of the bowl. It tasted GREAT! like western food! the full porcelain bowl weighed about >1kg? dunno it was SUPER HEAVY! $15 Meal. Food there was nice though!
Had a busy week catching up with tutorials... Cant seem to catch macro tutorial today... hiaz... looks like need to revise again. BADRI SLAP! haha he was super funny today!
FOOD IS IMPORTANT! Also this week, I ate my first TUTU KUEH and fell in love with it! (North canteen) I munched down 6 today after eating a full lunch! Auntie really makes good tutukueh. She said she has been making it from young! RECOMMEND TO EAT!
CCA: frisbee <3
I joined the CCA with no idea how to pass that disc and in these 2 weeks I LEARNT HOW TO THROW A FRISBEE! haha... greatly thanks to Joel Lee =D (the first person who taught me the right way to throw) and Djamal for making it so fun at the same time. and of course all the other girl seniors that helped me refined my throws.
Really liked the Hucking exercise! It really got me running so fast and freely since a long time. It felt really good =D Thanks to all the help and fun from the seniors... I really like the sport and will put in my 100% in the team!
Tmr: Will be an AWESOME DAY!!! lesson from 8am - 12pm, (gotta go slp soon) SW mass badminton from 12 - 3pm and.... DPA GATHERING from 6pm till who knows wad time.
Looking forward to collecting happy memories tmr =D
Its late and its time for bed. ~ night night!
Written M3mories @
11:40 PM
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Yoz in NYP now!
Waiting for the lecturer in the tutorial room. this lecturer so dam gay... lol as in not man at all... I'm also kinda disappointed with his attitude. Although he sits with his back straight to the max, just last week he was sludging to the max!!! then with his hands up stretching like he so comfortable. He just sat in his chair and called out our names so to answer his questions. Our day started at 8 in the morning and are doing our best to listen to him yet he shows us his laziness. haiz...
I really think since he is our lecturer and teaching us effective writing skills he should at least be a role model for us like proper presentation of himself and all.
Well he would probably be on his way now... class starts in 10 mins time. lets see his performance this week.
Written M3mories @
2:50 PM
Sunday, May 02, 2010
More updates!!!
I have seen the lordI have heard his voice
and I know he lives,
and I know he lives.
Death where is your sting
Fear where is your grip
Hearts now free to love
Lives now free to give...
I saw the presence of God today... When celebrating my great grandmother's 100th birthday (chinese calendar 100, Eng 99) She was present in her mother's womb on 21 Apr 1910. We were having a great dinner at our family restaurant hua yu wee ( hua you yuan) when the birthday song was played through the speakers... everyone in our family at the 4 red clothed tables stood up and started singing the birthday song to her. When others around us realised that we were celebrating her birthday. they stood up and sang along too... it was a happy moment for all though she felt quite embarrassed and said in hainan... "haha no need..." while waving her hands shooing herself away from attention. After the song, Jovan, my 6yr old cousin, ran over to her and gave her a shy kiss. =D
Even though i do not understand alot of hainan. i could tell that she felt happy being with all her children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren! It must have been a happy day for her.

HAHAHAHA im into K-pop now!!!!
Fav band: SUP13R JUNIOR!!!
Fav person: Hangeng!
Fav ppl: Kangin Eunhyuk Sungmin Leetuek
Fav songs: Sorry sorry Japan live, What If, Sapphire Blue, Marry U (Jap), U
Hangeng <3
3rd week of school starting tmr! Slept at 4.30am last night just to finish my Stats hw... haiz... going to slp soon then. night night peeps. =D
Written M3mories @
11:01 PM
Wow... time really pasts so fast.
Heya! (lol to Vanessa and Danica)Its been almost 1 yr... after seeing so many ppl blogging quite often. i guess blogging is quite a good way to keep your memories. I teared a little after seeing my good friend (Jeff)'s blog and thats when i decided to update mine. will i guess i'll start with some status update:
I went into NYP through direct poly admission(DPA) and we had a pre 8 weeks of lessons of preparatory Poly Programme (PPP) with grp AVATAR!!! It was my most memorable 8 weeks of my life. We really bonded together and thank God our group members were all accepting and willing to make friends with each other. Even though now we are all in different schools, seeing each other in NYP is a joy. Hope we get to get together again some time. =D
Currently a full-time Sports and Wellness management student of NYP. Class SAThe class is really fun to be with. cheerful bubbly and of course full of life. our PEM is Mr. Damien Lee and the ones in white are our seniors. Mardiah is my very good friend in class... she is always very happy and her smile just brightens my day. Thanks mardiah!!!! oh and.. wake up at 6am every from tmr onwards!!!! lol
Modules are:
Effective Writing Skills
Statistical theory
Principals of marketing
Principals of accounts
Sports and exercise science
School has so far been great. I get to finish my work early so that i can use the sports facilities in school. so far, I played frisbee, basketball, soccer, GYM, Swim, tennis and pool! haha. Going to swim again tmr. The swimming pool there is an awesome 9 lane x 50m CLEAN pool! The gym is also newly built with a vibrant red theme and facilities that are only 1 yr old!!!!!! haha the school is awesome!!!
The CCA im going to go for is the NYP ULTIMATE FRISBEE TEAM! its awesome learning how to throw the frisbee... besides chasing it like a dog.. =P I find the sport very flexible and i feel free playing the sport. I really look forward to join the competitive team. they have won the IVP for 4 years running!
OHOHOHOH!!! I FINALLY HAVE MY OWN LAPTOP!!!!! it is so fast and looks so cool with the laptop skin i've chosen. its the ACER 3280 light weight. it weighs about 1.8kg and the color is white and light blue!!! my fav... =D
K shall update till here now... going for my GREAT grandmother's birthday. 100 years old!!!! Signing off!
Written M3mories @
6:17 PM