Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Frisbee training
Today I was quite frustrated during training... wasnt focused and kept making the same mistake =(
At the verge of breaking into tears... I decided to do the wall right once and for all!... When we were about to start, lights out... tio cheng -,- emo...
Mood gotten better during PT. The atmosphere was quite fun and... ya. after that on the way home just outside school, I had a good talk with Faiz =D Abt frisbee and all... I guess we do have quite some things in common. =)
We have decided to dedicate a day to practice throwing together to perfect our throws. =D
Jia You!!!
Written M3mories @
12:13 AM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Summer league - vs. SIM
BAD:Missed 2 layout D chances cause i was not prepared
Missed 2 catches because I jumped too early
Keep cutting into breakside
Sprained right ankle -,-
Was able to fake away defender
SCORED 2! Im happy =D
Marked my girl well
Good decision making during wall (D)
Improvements to make:
Game awareness: cut at the right time right place and right way
Reading of discs
Obtain disc at optimum height
Written M3mories @
9:42 PM
A learning exp - sharing
Never felt so low in my life before.
Just for one fcking word ppl start gossiping behind me. It just felt like the worst sharing I've ever done. I understand that it might not be the best word to use, however it is true if you think it in a way. Its the third time we are recruiting this bunch of suckers and they get tired of listening to us. so for the 3rd time u decided to pass it to us... giving an excuse for being old and not being able to communicate with them.
When we finished in front of us say that the sharing was a good attempt and a good job done, behind us start gossiping and making large our mistakes. Hey we are humans too. we make mistakes... however, the difference is that we are brave enough to take up this time consuming and great challenge and you just have to stay behind to pin point our mistakes. No point praising us if u dont really mean it. I do not need this kind of sympathy!
I'm never going to do this again. this will be the last fail sharing. I've always been a person who does things with a purpose in mind. for this case, I have achieved no purpose hence i do not find a need to do it the next time.
In any case it is over. I'm doing my best to forget abt it, yet it keeps coming back into my mind. This has been a costly mistake and it has left a bad impression on everyone's minds. This first thing I did after stepping into the house was to vent my anger on my bro, who was suppose to be listening to my sharing and instead was talking to his friends during that time.
It has been a long and tiring day and week for me. Maybe I'm just feeling a little grumpy. hope it gets by me tmr so that i can concentrate on the scrimmage. =/
Written M3mories @
12:09 AM
Friday, June 25, 2010
You are not alone.
Just heard the song at his concert on teevee. It was just AWESOMENESS.
I now realize... that I am not alone... in Poly, frisbee, AKLTG and in church.
I now realize... that there are close friends beside me ready to listen to my probs and support me in my decision.
For the first time. I let out my real feelings of my lonely secondary school life. Poured it all out to my "mummy" and "Jie Jie". Although thinking back at those memories I would shed a tear, my heart felt great. It was the first time i made such close school friends =')

For those that helped me in anyway. I promise I will return back double of it =)
At the same time. I discovered a deeper side of 2 friends; "mummy Jo" and train buddy Tania.
When Tania shared her hard times with her school and relationship with me, I saw her tear on the train once she started thinking abt it. I could see that she was really troubled that time to the verge of crying only where no one can see her. I hope to be there the next time she needs a shoulder to lean on and to share the burden of her troubles.
Mummy Jo's house was the first house i slept in other than Godbro's and my house! Htht-ed with her last night and for the first time... shared my sec school life with her. =') haha... its a really interesting exp.
The first time i saw her, I thought she was quite fierce. However, when I got the chance to talk to her, I realized she was a really cheerful, playful, cheeky and fun person to be with. =D I still have a little fear of her and Fuji Jie.... maybe its cause of age and personality. =/
That night when i was in her house, i admit i was feeling shocked when she was so enthu to camwhore and quickly squeezed beside me. After a few secs, the shocked feeling of her leaning onto me changed to feeling relieved, then a friendly warm =D I felt quite dumb and clueless as I was quite noob in those 5-6 lian pai. lol It is my first time being in such close contact with a friend and of course first time camwhoring. It is also my first time wrestling on the floor(hockey pitch) with friends. haha... omg they are so strong!! I better start learning some self defense cool moves to counter them ^^.

Well, There's a first time for everything! and for this month, its many things =D
Written M3mories @
11:12 PM
Monday, June 14, 2010
Summer league
Yesterday (Sunday, 13 Jun) was the start of the summer league. My first frisbee game with another team. Our team was called young knights. (from disc knights) I love the name. lol I got a yellow tee shirt of the team too. (it was S and it is oversized for me) =(...
Yeah... i reached there a little late. our game is at 4 and we were suppose to meet at 3 15. i reached at about 3 20 and realized i have no cash with me and I am suppose to pay for the T-shirt and the registration fee. Luckily the field that we were playing on is just outside the MRT station so I ran back in to draw some money.
We did our warm up and had a last round of breifing beofre the game starts... haha Ben (coach) said that whoever layout D. today he will treat ICECREAM~ I did D a disc once in a game but no chance to layout. lol
I was out in the first line. the game was quite a easy one for us to gain exp since it was my first time. Luckily the opponent's team is not so strong and it was kind of a friendly mood. we won 13 -7
I usually play wing and mid. around the last few points. Ben put me and Fuji as handlers with him... haha he wanted to test it out. we did okay... haha it was just a short round. I want to learn the read the disc better so i can D. more and be 1 step ahead of all. also I need to learn to be more aware of the game and have more confidence in myself. until the next game, i shall improve.
Training today in school hockey field. leaving house around 3 plus. well i gotta start doing my hw now. Cheers!
(no picture) haha
Written M3mories @
12:20 PM
Friday, June 04, 2010
Its like 12 35am now and I could hardly open my eyes since 9. Maybe because the tests sucked out all my energy from by brian... or maybe i've been watching too many youtube vids.. haha!
Sranghaeyo! Wang Jam min! Youngwoon oppa!
Me have been watching SuJu videos like We Got Married and intimate letter. Was laughing so oftenly and so hard sometimes because it was too funny, my bro said i was crazy...
Going to airport this sun to test my luck on seeing SUPER JUNIOR IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!! haha 2 15pm and their showcase is at 7.30pm!!!
Finished Stats test, eff writing, and then macro test today. =D was alright though i was careless at a few questions and it was alot of application based. i know i studied.... a little over than wad was tested and forgot how to apply the basics. haiz....
Found out Jeremy has a blog too! whee~ haha. missing his presence though... now not very motivated to do other sports. no partner le... haiz...
Going to slp now... 6am wake up tmr =O shack....
Written M3mories @
12:45 AM