Super Junior 13
[1]Hi to you!
[2]Please tag before leaving
[3]Enjoy yourself here =D
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~^ ^~

[x]` Fiona Pang [F]
[x]`Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
[x]`Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!

~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!

Fiona Pang's Facebook profile

L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!

waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone

Taggie N

CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...


Jukie Boxie N


Nanah | JunKai | ChinMian | Cerelia | WanYu | Vivian | Shirin | Kelson | HAPPYFIVE | Dee | Unagi | Jasmine | 2e3 | chineseBlog |

Girls BBall | Leti | PeiQing | Suvd | Debs | JiaLing | Eunice | FeiTing | YenYen | Afiq | ShaunLeong | Kelvin |

AK | Gary | Melvin | Stuart | Maximilian | Petrina | Javier | Ally | Marj | Kelvin | Kyrie | KC | Eoin | Pearlyn | Sean | Dede |

Pamela | Aaron | FionaChang | GohBin | Kim | Richson | David |

Elaine | Chuyang | Amos |

primary school friends
Sarah | FangNing | Amanda | Angeline | Charmaine |
Other friends
PeterLauYH | KenKoh |


Past matches

[January 2006]

[February 2006]

[March 2006]

[April 2006]

[May 2006]

[June 2006]

[July 2006]

[August 2006]

[September 2006]

[October 2006]

[November 2006]

[December 2006]

[January 2007]

[February 2007]

[March 2007]

[May 2007]

[June 2007]

[July 2007]

[August 2007]

[September 2007]

[October 2007]

[November 2007]

[December 2007]

[January 2008]

[March 2008]

[May 2008]

[June 2008]

[July 2008]

[December 2008]

[January 2009]

[March 2009]

[May 2009]

[July 2009]

[May 2010]

[June 2010]

[July 2010]

[August 2010]

[September 2010]

[October 2010]

[December 2010]

[June 2011]

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
LRT incident =D c0mments!
That Sat after I left Anchorvale fields, I went to the LRT entry for the first time =D Tapped my wallet, door open and it dropped on the floor, door closed. tio cheng....

HAHA then I just found out that u can contact someone from the station through the top-up machines. the uncle helped me get in through the special door. I went in and forgot to close the door properly... HAHAHA epic... the uncle called me... "EH!! GIRL!!! GIRL!!!!" through the speakers. Adn the special event ended like this =D

Written M3mories @ 8:33 AM

Summer league - vs. SP c0mments!
Win HCJC 17 - 4

Din play very well. Was running blindly and was not focusing as much as I can.
No stats
Din layout D when I had the chance.

Sprained ankle... again...

Got many Good advice and learnt quite alot from seniors and the game.
Cut properly and not in rounds.

New tricks!!!
on D and when the disc is out =D

Written M3mories @ 8:33 AM

Friday, July 23, 2010
NYP camp! c0mments!

Haha... in camp now. Its 5 30 in the morning and I haven slept. -,- later at 8am got POA special journals test and I just finished studying and Ben only let us slp at 2 plus. so I decided to thon the night as I may be too sleepy to do the test tmr. =P

So far quite good. I like the purpose of this camp and want to gain the best out of it. I should really think like how to set and break my own limits. and of course... play smart.

Internet connection not very good here in block E lvl 3. Brought 2 bags of stuff today. neck area super suan... 1 bag of nicely folded clothes which I am so proud of my work... and another bag for school stuff.

Hope tmr can catch some sleep!!! Gambatte for the rest of the camp!!!

Written M3mories @ 5:25 AM

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Summer league - vs. SHIOK c0mments!
It was a long anticipated match for me.
I always find playing with better teams an honour and a large amount of learning experience from them.They were out to play with our minds by switching zone to man defense and offence. and at the first half we fell for it. Their in-cuts were consistent and always at the right time. Shiok plays a possession game. Hence when they get the possession, they would usually score within 1 minute. Their throws were stable and they had a lot of chemistry with each other. No doubt that they are one of the best teams in Sg.

What I took back from the game:
To have the confidence to call fouls. (I was picked and she scored)
DWIT so that my opponent cannot get the disc.
Mark my man and help others whenever possible at the same time.
Do in-cuts early when disc is in.
create continuous flow in the game.
Learn to take good risk to have a better game.
People play best when they happy and calm.

Well I guess there is still so much for me to learn in this sport. I am only at the 10m mark in a 100m race. Still a long way to go =D

Written M3mories @ 10:03 AM

Monday, July 12, 2010
Summer league - vs. NYP white & HCJC c0mments!
Win NYP white 17 - 1
Win HCJC 17 - 4

Dropped 1 in-cut catch -,-
Didnt pass 1 out properly -,-
Game awareness not good enough (2 times mixed up O and D -,-)
Forget to cover sidelines when doing wall (Missed a D)

Sprained ankle... again...

Cuts improved!!!! I get discs now!!! wheee~
"layed" twice to score ^^ (okay i got pushed down -,-)
got 4 Ds in total today!!! and I think 5 score =D YESSS!!!

Improvements to make:
Game awareness!!!!
Learn to poach and D
Learn to read disk better =D

Written M3mories @ 12:03 AM

Monday, July 05, 2010
Summer league - vs. RJC c0mments!
Pissed off with my grp... I feel like im the only idiot doing all the work and they did it themselves without telling me anything. wadever. I did the report i ask ppl to print and begged my mum for the CD... in the end they did everything already without telling me.

Stats: 3 score

Missed catching 3 nice disc
Missed layout D chance
Missed 2 D chances

In Cuts
Better Awareness
Decision making
scoring 3 =D

Improvements to make: 100% catches and go all out for Disc, to D or O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

Written M3mories @ 9:22 AM

Friday, July 02, 2010
busy life... little time. c0mments!
Today PT... had Fartleg, 400m sprint, 4 x 50m sprint then... bib test.
It was the first time i was doing one
Felt lost at times...
Still i was disappointed with myself
I could have done better.
I will reach more than 10 the next time =D

Busy week ahead woman!!!
tmr school, project, Badminton!!!
Sat Training, badminton!!, church
Sun league.
Monday presentation!!! omg... haha better get on with it =/

Thats the life of a sports girl.

Written M3mories @ 12:35 AM

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