Super Junior 13
[1]Hi to you!
[2]Please tag before leaving
[3]Enjoy yourself here =D
[4]Im @
[5]You're @

~^ ^~

[x]` Fiona Pang [F]
[x]`Catholic - Holy Family church
[x]`15 yrs old
[x]`Bedok View SS
[x]`BasketbaLL and Triathlon iS the reason I live!!!

~^.^~ GoD BLesS YoU!

Fiona Pang's Facebook profile

L0v3S -> My WHOLE Family!
L0v3S -> MY Friends!
L0v3S -> MY DAD!
L0v3S -> My church!
L0v3S -> SPUNKY!
L0v3S -> ME!~
L0v3S -> BasketBALL! =D
L0v3S -> Triathlon! =D
L0v3S -> AKLTG Friends
L0v3S -> Him:G0D:Jesus
Everything is LOVELY! as long as its happening to [FP] FISHY PEUNII!

waNteD >.<
** New cool clothes and jeans
** New Wallet
** A Sleeveless hoodie B/W
** New lightweight running Shoes!
** Peaceful Family
** An iPhone

Taggie N

CaLaNd3r ~^.^~
Too lazy to update...


Jukie Boxie N


Nanah | JunKai | ChinMian | Cerelia | WanYu | Vivian | Shirin | Kelson | HAPPYFIVE | Dee | Unagi | Jasmine | 2e3 | chineseBlog |

Girls BBall | Leti | PeiQing | Suvd | Debs | JiaLing | Eunice | FeiTing | YenYen | Afiq | ShaunLeong | Kelvin |

AK | Gary | Melvin | Stuart | Maximilian | Petrina | Javier | Ally | Marj | Kelvin | Kyrie | KC | Eoin | Pearlyn | Sean | Dede |

Pamela | Aaron | FionaChang | GohBin | Kim | Richson | David |

Elaine | Chuyang | Amos |

primary school friends
Sarah | FangNing | Amanda | Angeline | Charmaine |
Other friends
PeterLauYH | KenKoh |


Past matches

[January 2006]

[February 2006]

[March 2006]

[April 2006]

[May 2006]

[June 2006]

[July 2006]

[August 2006]

[September 2006]

[October 2006]

[November 2006]

[December 2006]

[January 2007]

[February 2007]

[March 2007]

[May 2007]

[June 2007]

[July 2007]

[August 2007]

[September 2007]

[October 2007]

[November 2007]

[December 2007]

[January 2008]

[March 2008]

[May 2008]

[June 2008]

[July 2008]

[December 2008]

[January 2009]

[March 2009]

[May 2009]

[July 2009]

[May 2010]

[June 2010]

[July 2010]

[August 2010]

[September 2010]

[October 2010]

[December 2010]

[June 2011]

Designer- Maddie
Pictures- 1 2
Brushes- DeviantART
Image programme- Gimp!
Image uploader- Photobucket

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Asian Hockey cup c0mments!
A 5 days a week event at Anchorvale Community Centre for the Asia Hockey Cup.

Throughout the 5 days, some of the days were quiet with little crowd, some with a full stand of crowd.

On the days with little crowd, the day was long and boring and manpower was more than enough. We were just sitting around to make sure everything is in place.
On crowded days, I helped out with the field of play, managing the gates and crowd after every game.

Good points: the event was organised very well as most of the stuff were already set up and many experienced managers handled the volunteers and the event well.
The items on the schedule was on time and everything ended on time.

Bad points: Over manpower. There was not a need for us to be there. The jobs that we are tasked to do weren't of much importance.

Written M3mories @ 10:13 AM

Saturday, June 25, 2011
Events! c0mments!
SAFRA Tampines soccer event:
It was a hot day at Tampines SAFRA and we were out volunteering for this yearly soccer event 'Theme Up' Hosted by Ros, the matches were exciting and the dads and sons were showing off the bonds between the family. The EPM crew was tasked with overseeing the matches and coordinating the games lineup.

It was a tiring task to run around to transmit gather information. Walkie talkies would have made the job a lot easier. I had an interesting time with the referee. He was demanding and grumpy and was also missing in action most of the time which gave Brandon and I a lot of trouble (eg. wasting time looking for him while the teams are waiting for the match to start) this also lead to our games being delayed and the last court to finish all our matches.

Overall, It was a good experience for a day out under the sun managing a SAFRA event!

Kids soccer clinic (NYP)

It was a really enjoyable time with the kids at the soccer clinic. All our crew members were outgoing and had a lot of fun with the children. At the start, the registeration was done well and in an orderly manner. At the same time, the guys were already starting to warm up and kick around to interact with the kids. Lunch was settled quickly as Mardiah read out the names and the rest of us gave out the food.

Due to the hot sun, the soccer kids were brought indoors to the aerobics room to watch a Mr. Bean show. It was enjoyable to most of them however, there was a small bunch that had already watched it before and were getting a little restless. I'm glad I had the chance to talk with them and laugh around. Overall, I'm sure it was a fantastic time for the kids and it ended well with new friendships made.

Written M3mories @ 11:47 PM

Monday, December 13, 2010
Continuing life c0mments!

Kinda lazy to blog now... since the person that I wanted to show it to is not really reading it. =/
Hope u are doing good in China. Stay healthy.... I really wished u would come back more often. or maybe wish that u would get older, retire and come home to stay.

School is now mixing into my daily life. I'm ahead of the lecturers and doing well in tests. Hoping to get a 4 GPA for this sem to pull up my grades =D Next week is holiday! Planning to go for many events in the mids of the busy choir schedule for Christmas.

Mum just cut my hair yesterday... Kinda.... REALLY short! dangit... got to wait for it to grow a little longer... for now, Id just look like a Xiao di =/

Frisbee is part of my life now... not as much as basketball yet... but close! =D I like that fact that im playing a new sport that is unique and something that I can enjoy in.

Well... class is over gtg!

Written M3mories @ 11:52 AM

Monday, October 25, 2010
Hello! c0mments!
School started!! hmm dunno wad to post...

Happy that I have new guy friends =D and existing ones =D
Thx for everything guys!!!

- Wei ming
- Dumbdumb
- Faiz
- Little boy
- Jeff
- Sylvester (hmm u nd a nick name)

Got a new habit of taking pictures of all e nice food =D

Written M3mories @ 11:17 PM

Monday, September 13, 2010
AHM SBR 21km c0mments!

The AHM SBR was the first race i got to run 21km.

The run felt really good
I wasn breathless until the last 3km
No leg pains except for a little knee pain around 13km
Finished the first 10km easily with a time of 1:10:00
Finished the race with a time of 1:28:30

My legs are still aching now =O

haha it was a good experience overall =D LOVED IT!!

Written M3mories @ 11:30 AM

Friday, August 20, 2010
YOG!!! c0mments!

Me in my Drink station position

The food we had there (not dog food but delicious food)

The flags

Scott Ang (Singapore) with a handsome pose =DDDDDD

Clara Wong (Singapore) and Yuka (Japan, YOG champion)
Yuka playing with water gun XD

A picture with Clara Wong (Singapore)

A very very nice picture with the 2 mascots of YOG... Lyo and Merly =D

Written M3mories @ 10:57 AM

Friday, August 13, 2010
to Bankok, Thailand c0mments!

The trip was fun. The uncertainty was solved =D
The pictures speak for themselves =D

Half day tour trip
Floating market

Feeding catfish

Pure northern thai honey

Footlong cheese sausage

Suckling Pig!

The the highlight... Rainbow of taxis!!!

Ending =DDDDDD

Written M3mories @ 5:48 PM

A dream in a dream c0mments!
woah... I just had a dream in a dream o.o and its abt NYP ultimate!!! O.O

Haha something about being in a room together with frisbee mates and watching a video of Jasper!!!

Then falling asleep while watching the vid.... Thinking of training with nyp ultimate at some field!!!

Was talking to jethro.... abt something... then realised i wasn wearing my boots

When i ran back to my bag... I saw my cousin's maid and said hi.

Then i was back in the room again... with many ppl... watching a vid of Jasper

Then i woke up. and just realised i took a afternoon nap =D

Written M3mories @ 5:28 PM

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